Linux – How to allow a normal user to restart a supervisor group without password


I am trying to allow a user in the group deployer to restart a supervisor group without a password; this is the content of my /etc/sudoers.d/deploy:

%deployer ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/service nginx stop,/usr/sbin/service nginx start,/usr/bin/supervisorctl stop gname\:*,/usr/bin/supervisorctl start gname\:*

This is suppose to allow a user in the group deployer to restart nginx and the supervisor group gname. It works for nginx, but not for supervisor.

I have tried multiple combinations:

/usr/bin/supervisorctl stop gname,/usr/bin/supervisorctl start gname
/usr/bin/supervisorctl stop gname*,/usr/bin/supervisorctl start gname*
/usr/bin/supervisorctl stop gname\:,/usr/bin/supervisorctl start gname\:
/usr/bin/supervisorctl stop gname\:\*,/usr/bin/supervisorctl start gname\:\*

But I can not make it work… Why doesn't this work?

  • Debian GNU/Linux 8
  • Linux version 4.5.5-x86_64
  • Supervisor version 3.0

Best Answer

This looks like it may be due to the spaces in the commands you are allowing e.g. supervisorctl stop gname etc.

While I am unable to test at the minute, first I would try escaping the spaces e.g.

%deployer ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/service\ nginx\ stop,/usr/sbin/service\ nginx\ start,/usr/bin/supervisorctl\ stop\ gname\:*,/usr/bin/supervisorctl\ start\ gname\:*

If that fails you could put the commands into a script called with different cmd options for the different commands and specify NOPASSWD on just that script.

%deployer ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:/path/to/

Hope this helps.