Linux – How to apt-get perl module “Template”


I'm installing Bugzilla and thus I"m working through a list of perl modules to install. I've managed to get a lot of them up and running except for the below Template module. Is there a apt-get version of this? I have CPAN installed as well. Since I already have CPAN installed, should I removed it once this is all setup and running?

Is there a site somewhere where I can search for software available via apt-get?


         GD: /usr/bin/perl GD
      Chart: /usr/bin/perl Chart::Lines
Template-GD: /usr/bin/perl Template::Plugin::GD::Image
 GDTextUtil: /usr/bin/perl GD::Text
    GDGraph: /usr/bin/perl GD::Graph
 Test-Taint: /usr/bin/perl Test::Taint

COMMANDS TO INSTALL REQUIRED MODULES (You must run all these commands
and then re-run this script):

/usr/bin/perl Template

To attempt an automatic install of every required and optional module
with one command, do:

/usr/bin/perl –all

* Installation aborted. Read the messages above. *

Best Answer

Why are you installing Bugzilla manually? ;-)

I don't have an Ubuntu box to check from, but there's a Bugzilla package in Debian (bugzilla3), so I'm guessing it's available, even if you need to enable the Universe. Have you tried using that? Also, the fact that it exists out there tells me that all required Perl modules are packaged for Ubuntu, although again, you might have to enable the Universe repository.

Trying to mix Distribution provided perl modules with CPAN can get kinda hairy, if you're not careful. I have a pretty strong preference for keeping them completely separate for all but the most simple cases (by separate, I mean I install a completely new and separate Perl and CPAN installation if I need crazy stuff that's not available via APT repositories, and then use that separate installation just for the application(s) I installed it for).

If I were you, I'd start by getting rid of all the CPAN installed stuff, and try:

sudo aptitude install bugzilla3

See if that does the trick for you.