Linux Cron – How to Change “From:” Field for Emails from Cron


I use remote SMTP via nullmailer and it requires set From field to the specific name, but cron set it as

How could I change it to something like

Best Answer

I don't think you can change the FROM address, (someone should add a MAILFROM option).

You can do something like this though to achieve a similar result:

* * * * * /path/to/script 2>&1 | mail -s "Output of /path/to/script" -- -r "" -F"Full Name of sender"

All output is piped to the mail command so the MAILTO variable isn't used at all.

The to address would need to be set but you may be able to use $MAILTO variable. The -- sets the rest of the options to be sendmail options so you can use the -r and and -F options.

-s is the subject

-r is the reply address

-F is the Full name of the sender (makes it look nice in email clients)