Linux – How to change the password of a (vsftpd) FTP account when ‘passwd’ isnt working


Kinda newbie here,

I have a server which uses vsftpd.
I changed the password of user 'aa' from the root account with 'passwd aa', which changed the SSH password for user 'aa', but not for his FTP account.

I can't seem to find much other info on changing a vsftpd password.

Any tips?

Best Answer

If your FTP server is using virtual users (check local_enable in the /etc/vsftpd.conf file, see man vsftpd.conf), you may have a login.txt file under /etc/vsftpd/, which is of the following form :


In this case you have to edit it, then use the following command to update the DB :

db4.7_load -T -t hash -f /etc/vsftpd/login.txt /etc/vsftpd/login.db

(you may have to replace db4.7_load by your version of dbXX_load).