Linux – how to check if NFS is installed or working RHEL


I have put the following line on /etc/exports

/media/drive/fedora     *(ro , sync)

then i did

exportfs -a

now my hostname is localhost.fedora

i want to install the linux from NFS but when i enter the
hostname and foldername it says folder can't be mounted.

How can i check that NFS is working and also how will the new machine will know the ip of


Best Answer

Your question could really do with some more clarity. Apparently you have two machines. A NFS server and another that you're trying to install fedora to.

You should be able to specify the server to the installer by IP address. To check that NFS is working, try mounting it locally on the server. I.e. mount -t nfs localhost:/media/drive/fedora /mnt