Linux – How to cleanly and silently reload iptables rules


I have very complicated and long iptables script. It is not possible to operate on the existing iptables configuration, by doing manual inserts/replaces or deletions. I have a script which simply flushes all rules and custom chains, then reloads everything from scratch. This approach works well, to some extent.

I have a lot of sensitive traffic, like E1 lines encapsulated into IP packets and many others. I can't afford to just drop all rules and reinsert them, because this is simply too slow. Lots of stuff breaks if there is no rule for more then 50ms. Aside from that, some high throughput traffic runs in into partially restored firewall, which ends up in very bad conntrack entries, which require manual intervention to restore functionality.

The solution would be to append new rules at the end of current, then to remove the old ones, which can theoretically result in continuous ruleset in place. The problem is, that a script with custom chains, ipset's and such is getting very complicated and error prone.

Question is – do you know any existing solution (extra layer on top of iptables), which handles the problems I mentioned here?

Thanks in Advance.

Best Answer

Have you tried loading your new rules with the iptables-restore command? This is in theory an atomic operation, which may take care of most of your issues. This does require that you write your rules in the format used by iptables-save.