Linux – How to connect to a Juniper VPN from Linux


The Windows users have a new client "Juniper Pulse" to connect to the Juniper VPN server.

On Linux, what VPN client do we have to connect to that Juniper VPN, with maximum compatibility?

Please mention the necessary parameters that have to be provided.

Best Answer

And my favorite method (no java applet required):



REALM=$(wget -q --no-check-certificate -O - '' | sed -n 's/.*<input\( [^>]*name="realm" [^>]*\)>.*/\1/p' | sed -n 's/.* value="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p')

After you login, download the following jar (should be done one time only):

and unzip it to ~/.juniper_networks/network_connect

Get some new libraries for your 64bit machine yum install glibc.i686 zlib.i686 nss-mdns.i686

Go to ~/.juniper_networks/network_connect and

sudo chown root:root ncsvc
sudo chmod 6711 ncsvc
chmod 744 ncdiag
chmod +x

Get your certificate:

./ company.cert

And connect:

./ncsvc -h -u username -p password -r REALM -f ./company.cert

For some sites I noticed that you also need to put the -U switch:

./ncsvc -h -u username -p password -r REALM -f ./company.cert -U ''