Linux – How to copy /etc/hosts to all the machines


import os, sys, time

servers = ['dev','admin','db1']
for s in servers:
    cmd = 'scp /etc/hosts regular_user@%s:/etc/hosts' % s
    print cmd

I have written this script to copy my current HOSTS file to all my other servers.
However, I would like to do this from a regular user, not ROOT.

Since over-writing /etc/hosts takes root privelages, I would like to do SUDO. How can I put sudo inside that script?

This won't work, because it is permission denied to change /etc/hosts file.

cmd = 'sudo scp /etc/hosts regular_user@%s:/etc/hosts' % s

Best Answer

cat /etc/hosts | ssh otherhost "sudo sh -c 'cat >/etc/hosts'" will do the trick.