Linux – How to deny or reject FTP commands for some user on proftpd


There works a FTP Server (proftpd) on Centos 6.5, Auth mech is AUTH_FILE and default ROOT is /var/ftp all User should put Files into this directory but only 2 User should get or list this files. Is it possible to deny some FTP Commands for a few Users?

My proftpd Config looks like:

DefaultRoot                     /var/ftp/
AuthPAMConfig                   proftpd
AuthOrder                       mod_auth_file.c  mod_auth_unix.c
RequireValidShell  off
AuthUserFile  /etc/proftpd/ftpd.passwd
AuthGroupFile /etc/proftpd/
AuthPAM off
RequireValidShell off

The content of /etc/proftpd/ is:


And the user file /etc/proftpd/ftpd.passwd looks like:


User1 should be the user who can't get or list Files on the FTP Server. Is it possible?

Best Answer

Related to this Documentation (In the example section) I use LIMIT Command to reject the FTP Commands. The following was add to the proftpd.conf:

<Directory /var/ftp>
 <Limit ALL>

 <Limit DIRS READ>
    AllowUser user1
    AllowUser user2

User3 can use the LIST Command (ls) but proftpd deny the command and return an empty result and the other User (User1 and User2) can use this Commands.