Linux – How to disable chef-server on boot


I have been trying to disable chef-server services on boot time. I looked into "/etc/init.d/" but there are no any chef related service listed. I checked service list from service –status-all but no chef related service i am able to get. I tried with "chef-server-ctl once bookshelf" command but after reboot, services are starting by itself. I am using ubuntu 14.04 with chef 11 server. Any help would be appriciated.

root@talkwithmurtuza5:/home/user# chef-server-ctl status
down: bookshelf: 97s, normally up; run: log: (pid 808) 658s
down: chef-expander: 95s, normally up; run: log: (pid 806) 658s
down: chef-solr: 94s, normally up; run: log: (pid 805) 658s
down: erchef: 94s, normally up; run: log: (pid 807) 658s
down: postgresql: 93s, normally up; run: log: (pid 815) 658s
down: rabbitmq: 93s, normally up; run: log: (pid 822) 658s

Best Answer

I was asking the same thing . It looks like chef uninstall will do what you want, with no data loss.

chef-server-ctl uninstall

to restore that

chef-server-ctl reconfigure