Linux – How to display interface in tcpdump output flow


This seems to be quite a trivial problem, but after some searching I can't stil figure out the answer. One can run tcpdump using "any" as the interface description, ie:

 # tcpdump -i any -n host

Is there any way to force tcpdump to show on which interface displayed packet was captured?


As more people confirmed this is probably not possible with vanilla tcpdump, can someone propose a solution to mentioned problem? Perhaps different sniffer?

General issue is as follows: On a system with 50 interfaces determine what is inbound interface for packets coming from specific ip address.

Best Answer

I hope somebody is still interested in the solution to the problem. ;) We had the same issue in our company and I started writing a script for this.

I wrote a blog post about it with the source code and a screenshot.

I've also shared it below...

enter image description here

And the code: (Be sure to check my site for future updates)

# USAGE: [-i interface] [tcpdump-parameters]
# DESCRIPTION: tcpdump on any interface and add the prefix [Interace:xy] in front of the dump data.
# OPTIONS: same as tcpdump
# REQUIREMENTS: tcpdump, sed, ifconfig, kill, awk, grep, posix regex matching
# BUGS:  ---
# FIXED: - In 1.0 The parameter -w would not work without -i parameter as multiple tcpdumps are started.
#        - In 1.1 VLAN's would not be shown if a single interface was dumped.
# NOTES: ---
#        - 1.2 git initial
# AUTHOR: Sebastian Haas
# COMPANY: pharma mall
# VERSION: 1.2
# CREATED: 16.09.2014
# REVISION: 22.09.2014

# When this exits, exit all background processes:
trap 'kill $(jobs -p) &> /dev/null && sleep 0.2 &&  echo ' EXIT
# Create one tcpdump output per interface and add an identifier to the beginning of each line:
if [[ $@ =~ -i[[:space:]]?[^[:space:]]+ ]]; then
    tcpdump -l $@ | sed 's/^/[Interface:'"${BASH_REMATCH[0]:2}"'] /' &
    for interface in $(ifconfig | grep '^[a-z0-9]' | awk '{print $1}')
       tcpdump -l -i $interface -nn $@ | sed 's/^/[Interface:'"$interface"']    /' &
# wait .. until CTRL+C