Linux – How to drop privileges and still clean up the pid file in /var/run


I have a daemon called foo. My init script /etc/init.d/foo starts the foo daemon and stores its pidfile in /var/run/, which seems to be the standard place. Because /etc/init.d/foo must be run as root, it has no trouble creating and deleting pidfiles in /var/run.

The foo daemon is really the program /usr/sbin/foo which is intended to be invoked as root by the init script but then immediately drop its privileges to the unprivileged foo user. However, I also want this /usr/sbin/foo program to delete its pidfile when it exits due to a critical error. But since it has already dropped its privileges, it no longer has the ability to delete files from the /var/run directory.

My current approach is to use seteuid instead of setuid to drop my privileges, then re-raise the privileges immediately before exiting so that I can properly delete the pidfile from /var/run. However, I've run into many, many problems with various libraries and external programs which go haywire when invoked with a different euid than uid.

Is there any other way to accomplish this? I suppose the other option is to just put my pidfile in a directory which is writable by both the root and foo users. But all of our other pidfiles are in /var/run, including pidfiles by other programs which run as unprivileged users, so I'd like to put the file there as well.

Is there any way to do this other than using seteuid?

Best Answer

Don't put the PID file in /var/run/, put it in /var/run/foo/ and have /var/run/foo owned by user foo and group foo. That way you can delete the pid file before exiting and you don't have to raise your privilege level.

Note, however, that this is a bad security practice since allowing your unprivileged application mangle with its file will open a security hole: imagine that your application is hijacked (after all what was the point of dropping privileges if not to anticipate that the application can be attacked?) -- now, the attacker updates the pid file and puts, say, sshd's pid number there. Now, when system-wide scripts (running as root) will try to stop your application using that pid file, they will shutdown sshd instead. This is just an example, there are more ways to abuse your system. All in all, the pid file should be created before dropping privileges and cleanup of the pid files should be performed by the system-wide scripts. -- Dmitry D. Khlebnikov

An even better idea would be to switch to an init system like systemd or Upstart that doesn't require PID files to manage services.