Linux – How to exclude a service under /etc/logrotate.d/ to run with the main logrotate job


I have a file under logrotate.d that I would like not to run when the main logrotate is running.
I have created a separate job for this in /etc/crontab

45 23   * * *   root    mv /var/log/RemoteSystems/*/*.log /var/log/Archiv/ && logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/test  

The job will move the files from a directory to another and then will apply logrotate. I would like that this job to run separately from main logrotate job in /etc/crontab. The problem is that because "test" is under /etc/logrotate.d/, it will run once again with the main logrotate.
Is there any command that I can insert in logrotate.conf that can exclude "test" to run?
I know that if I am having "test" file out of /etc/logrotate.d, this will not happen, but I would like to keep "test" at the same path.

Best Answer

If you look at the manual man logrotate.conf, you can read find tabooext option which enables you to exclude some files with specific extensions.

tabooext [+] list
     The current taboo extension list is changed (see the include directive for information on the taboo extensions). If a + precedes the
     list of extensions, the current taboo extension list is augmented, otherwise it is replaced. At startup, the  taboo  extension list
     contains  .rpmsave,  .rpmorig,  ~, .disabled, .dpkg-old, .dpkg-dist, .dpkg-new, .dpkg-bak, .dpkg-del, .cfsaved, .ucf-old, .ucf-dist,
     .ucf-new, .rpmnew, .swp, .cfsaved, .rhn-cfg-tmp-*

You can choose one of the default excluded extensions like .disabled or you can specifiy your own additional extension like:

tabooext + .test

All you need to do is to rename your file /etc/logrotate.d/test to have any of these extensions like /etc/logrotate.d/test.disabled.