Linux – How to find out which key was used for public key authentication


Several developers using a shared account on a test server, using public key authentication.
Is there any way to find out which key was used for authentication (e.g. the keys comment)?

Best Answer

Are you wanting to find this out after something that has already happened (forensics) or are you wanting to make it so that you can log who does what?

For forensics: On my Fedora system, /var/log/secure contains records of each public key authentication and username, but doesn't say which key was used. You're probably out of luck here

For future auditability: You can use the authorized_keys file to set the commands each login is restricted to, and then run a program that logs the authentication (and possibly subsequent commands, using something like sudoscript):

If the options phrase at the beginning of a line contains the keyword command="string", then any ssh connection that authenticates using that particular key will only run the command specified, even if the command line it was given specified another command.

It must be said though, it probably makes more sense to set up multiple accounts, and then set up a shared access area...