Tmux – Fix Session Messed Up by Control Characters


Every once in awhile, I'll accidentally blast some control codes into my terminal session (either errant coding or accidentally gpg --export). This sometimes causes my tmux session to loose it's formatting and print control characters into the borders of the tmux windows. All the tmux windows get pretty messed up after than. Even just focusing a window messes up the other windows. The traditional reset tricks for a terminal (reset, echo [CTRL]+V [CTRL]+C) don't fix it so I end up logging out of all active sessions and having to restart tmux.

Anyone know of a way to reset/refresh all the tmux panes without terminating tmux ?

Best Answer

There is a detailed explication how to reset many parts of tmux in stack exchange:

For me, often only tmux rename-window myWindowName and printf '\033]2;%s\007' "$(uname -n) (set status right) are required.

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