Linux – How to get logwatch to process alternate apache logs


CentOS 5 | Apache 2.2.3 | LogWatch 7.3

Hello All,

I have Apache running on a CentOS box and am hosting multiple VirtualHosts. Each of these virtual hosts has a separate access log. For example:


The main site is writing logs to /var/log/httpd/access_log.

LogWatch appears to only be checking the main log files. How can I tell it to include the other files too?

I thought there might be a pointer somewhere in /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/services/http but I didn't see it there.

Any thoughts?


Best Answer

The log files you have provided should be picked up without you making any changes because of the default config

LogFile = httpd/*access_log
LogFile = apache/*access.log.1
LogFile = apache/*access.log
LogFile = apache2/*access.log.1
LogFile = apache2/*access.log
LogFile = apache-ssl/*access.log.1
LogFile = apache-ssl/*access.log

But is you want to be more specific you can create a config file in /etc/logwatch/conf such as /etc/logwatch/conf/logfiles/http.conf with

Logfile = /var/log/httpd/