Linux – How to get password for EC2 Linux instance

amazon ec2linuxslesssh

I am exploring Amazon EC2.

I created a Linux SUSE instance etc. now I am trying to remote into it from my mac using a VNC client (Chicken of the VNC client): I have the public dns of the instance but I obviously need a password to do so.

I understand I can generate it somehow from my key pair – HOW?

Best Answer

All you need is the private part of your keypair. If you didn't set a password when creating the keypair, you don't need to enter one when connecting to your instance.

You just need to use the private key when connecting via ssh.

On the command-line:

ssh -i privatekey.pem

If you're using a GUI like Putty, assign the keyfile before connecting, in:

Connection | SSH | Auth | Private key file...