Linux – How to get php-fpm details in the process list


In my process list with "top" command, I am getting a lot of php-fpm processes.
Is there a possibility to get more info on that porcesses like:

  • Who initiated the process (IP)
  • Which class is called there
  • etc…

Best Answer

Basically: No, not the information you're after, not on already running PHP processes. You might get something of use by running strace on one of the running processes (strace -p ), but only in as much as you'll see what system calls it's making, which might allow you to infer further information. But if it's stuck in a PHP-code loop (not making syscalls), you'll see nothing useful.

Also, it's worth noting that the whole point of php-fpm is to have the processes running permanently, ready to process requests, rather than firing up a php process per CGI request, so simply having a lot of them in the output of 'top' is not necessarily a bad thing.