Linux – How to get the group member list from a Linux computer in the domain? Samba AD/DC


If I run the following command in the computer running as Samba AD/DC i have no issues. It works.
sudo samba-tool group listmembers 'domain users'

The problem is I would like to read the same (and other groups) list of users from another Linux computer in the domain. I am logged in as Domain user in Linux, installed PAM winbind.

I tried wbinfo, it works, but I could not get the group member list with that. getent gives me groups and users of the domain. But still I can't find the proper way to list the group memebers.

Any suggestion?

Best Answer

I believe you need to use ldapsearch instead of smb-tools. Something to the effect of;

ldapsearch -LLL -b "dc=example,dc=com" "(&(cn=*)(memberUid=user))" dn