Linux – How to Get Number of Established TCP Connections for Specific Port


How do I get the number of (currently) established TCP connections for a specific port?

I have managed to get counters for traffic working by doing i.e for outgoing RTMP.

iptables -N $CHAIN 
iptables -I OUTPUT -j $CHAIN
iptables -A $CHAIN -p tcp --sport 1935

But now i need the number of current (not a counter) connections, for each protocol

I can get the total number with:
netstat -ant | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l

Can anyone help? Im not an iptables guru.

Best Answer

You say you're not a guru, but which of us is? You've done most of the heavy lifting; I'm sure the rest will occur to you in a minute or two.

Until then, try netstat -an|grep ESTABLISHED | grep -w 1935.