Linux – How to increase max FD limit for a daemon process running under a headless user


To increase the FD limit for a daemon process running under a headless user on a Ubuntu Linux machine we did following changes in /etc/security/limits.conf

soft nofile 10000
hard nofile 10000

We also added session required in /etc/pam.d/login. The changes got reflected for all the users who logged out and logged in again. Whatever new processes are starting under those users are getting new FD limits.

But for the daemon which is running under a headless user the changes are not getting reflected. what is the way by which the changes can be reflected for the daemon which is running under headless user ?

Best Answer

You can read/set the resource limits of a running process with prlimit(1), part of util-linux:

sudo prlimit --pid PID --nofile 8192:16384