Linux – How to increase MTU size on Linux 2.6


How to increase MTU size on Linux 2.6?

Is such a thing possible? If yes, which files (in /etc or elsewhere) must one edit?

Best Answer

I'd warn you not not to do it unless you are really certain, that this is what you really want (like having two servers directly connected by cross-over cable over Gigabit Ethernet interfaces).

There's already PMTUD algorithm, which is able to deduce MTU size across the path. And when rising MTU above that you'll either experience some packet loss or will make network-administrating guys sad, because their routers and switches will have to fragment your packets using CPU as opposed to fast routing with ASICs.

If that's what you want, then you may want to see, which has some nice numbers and hints. The basic command is ip link set mtu 4000 dev eth0 (or ifconfig eth0 mtu 4000 for older ifconfig tool) for 4K packets.