Linux – How to install network adapter in Linux (CentOS 5)


My company has a CentOS 5 Linux server. The network card died today and we replaced it with an Intel Pro 1000 GT network adapter.

I'm not great with Linux. How can I get this new NIC working?


Best Answer

The easiest way is to have the new card assume the same device name (eth0). Do this by:

  • Delete the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file. This is the file that ties hardware devices to ethX interfaces, causing your replacement card to become eth1 or eth2. Hopefully we can prevent that.
  • Shutdown the server ( shutdown -h now from a commandline should do the trick ).
  • Disable the onboard NIC in the BIOS, or remove the defective card.
  • Start the system up again. If the replacement card has assumed the same ethX device, it should start up with the same networking configuration. Check with ip addr or ifconfig -a.

These steps assume you have a fairly simple server which had one ethernet card, and needs to have it replaced with another single ethernet card.