Linux – How to install VNC server on Linux SUSE EC2 instance

amazon ec2linuxslesvnc

Assuming I can ssh to my Linux instance (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1) as root and that I can transfer files into it – how do I install a VNC server (let's say RealVNC free version) on the machine so that I can remote desktop from my mac (I am planning to use ChickenOfTheVNC as client)?

In other words: Where do I copy the files to and how do I install the server?

P.S. there are other questions about this but they start in the middle of things – so I am not able to follow with my limited knowledge of Linux.

Best Answer

I'm sorry for not completely understanding your question. You'd want to check this page for information on installing from commandline. Especially worth noting is the link to "Zypper" which I hadn't heard of before googling for you :]

You could ssh and type "zypper in realvnc" and if zypper is installed, that'll work.

The gist is, you are working on a system which uses RPMs for package management. There are other add-ons that Suse makes [YAST, zypper] which make handling the dependencies a lot easier, but you can install software directly with RPM, forgoing those niceties if you want.

You can also always compile from source. Have you ever done that before?