Linux – How to iterate bash arrays and make an SCP command efficiently


I need to scp the files from machineB and machineC to machineA. I am running my below shell script from machineA. I have setup the ssh keys properly.

If the files are not there in machineB, then it should be there in machineC.


readonly PRIMARY=/data01/primary/.
readonly FILERS_LOCATION=(machineB machineC)
readonly MAPPED_LOCATION=/bat/data/snapshot
PARTITION=(0 3 5 7 9)


scp david@${FILERS_LOCATION[0]}:$dir1/weekly_1980_[$el] $PRIMARY || scp david@${FILERS_LOCATION[1]}:$dir2/weekly_1980_[$el] $PRIMARY

Now my question is if you take a look into my above scp command, I have [$el] for now (which is wrong), I need to replace this with PARTITION, which means I need to iterate PARTITION and replace [$el] with each number in PARTITION.

So my scp command should look like this if I iterate PARTITION one by one –

scp david@machineB:/bat/data/snapshot/20131222/ /data01/primary/. || scp david@machineC:/bat/data/snapshot/20131222/ /data01/primary/.

scp david@machineB:/bat/data/snapshot/20131222/ /data01/primary/. || scp david@machineC:/bat/data/snapshot/20131222/ /data01/primary/.

scp david@machineB:/bat/data/snapshot/20131222/ /data01/primary/. || scp david@machineC:/bat/data/snapshot/20131222/ /data01/primary/.

scp david@machineB:/bat/data/snapshot/20131222/ /data01/primary/. || scp david@machineC:/bat/data/snapshot/20131222/ /data01/primary/.

scp david@machineB:/bat/data/snapshot/20131222/ /data01/primary/. || scp david@machineC:/bat/data/snapshot/20131222/ /data01/primary/.

Problem Statement:-

  1. How do I iterate PARTITION in such a way, so that I can make the above SCP command?
  2. And also, as you can see, I am copying the files one by one into machineA /data01/primary/ folder. Is there any better way of doing this? Meaning, can I copy all the files together in one shot instead of doing it one by one?

Best Answer

You can iterate over the PARTITION array like this

for el in "${PARTITION[@]}"
    echo "$el"