Active Directory – Listing User Attributes from a Linux Computer


How can I list the Active directory user attributes from a Linux computer?
The Linux computer is already joined to the domain. I can use 'getent' to get the user and group information, but it does not display the complete active directory user attributes.

Best Answer

You can use ldapsearch to query an AD Server. For example, the following query will displya all attributes of all the users in the domain:

ldapsearch   -x -h -D "" -W -b "cn=users,dc=domain,dc=int" 

Command options explained:

  • -x use simple authentication (as opposed to SASL)
  • -h your AD server
  • -D the DN to bind to the directory. In other words, the user you are authenticating with.
  • -W Prompt for the password. The password should match what is in your directory for the the binddn (-D). Mutually exclusive from -w.
  • -b The starting point for the search

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