Linux – How to log outgoing http requests from PHP + cURL


I have a PHP script set up that makes cURL requests whenever an action is performed on a site. The problem is that the information is being POSTed twice whenever the action is run.

I need to work out if this is a problem on my end (cURL is being run twice) or the URL it's POSTing to is doing something twice.

I imagine the best way to do this would be to view the outgoing http POST requests from the server.

Is this the best option? If so, how do I go about it?

Best Answer

You can use tcpdump to sniff some packets on the server, something like this:

# tcpdump -vv -s0 tcp port 80 -w /tmp/apache_outgoing.pcap

and run your PHP script to see what happens.

Is there any way to restrict it to a) Only POST data,

You can sniff all and filter with http.request.method == POST in Wireshark.

b) Only coming from

# tcpdump -vv -s0 tcp port 80 and src host

and c) only going to ?

# tcpdump -vv -s0 tcp port 80 and dst host

Read the tcpdump's man page for more details.

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