Linux – How to map Windows ACL to Linux ones on a CIFS share



We have a Windows server with an Active Directory domain and a network share.

I have a Linux machine and I want to mount the share.

sudo mount -t cifs //server/share /mnt/share -o user=[act-dir user],domain=[domain],uid=[linux user],gid=[linux group]

It's more or less OK. My Linux user gets mapped to all files on the share and some of the ACL are translated. But I want to go a level further:

  • More than one user is connected to the Linux box
  • Each Linux user has a dedicated Active Directory account
  • I want each Windows owner to be mapped to the corresponding Linux owner if it exists

A solution and the problem

Samba offers the mount option cifsacl which requires to set-up cifs.idmap and winbindd. Both are installed, I've read both man pages and tried to configure them but it does not work. The newly mount command is now:

sudo mount -t cifs //server/share /mnt/share -o user=[act-dir user],domain=[domain],cifsacl

But everything is mapped to root:root, which means the cifs.idmap could not be performed.

Actually, I'm not all surprised because I did not understand where to write the actual mapping so where should I write that Windows userX actually maps to Linux userY? And I'm not sure that the winbindd configuration is correct, what should be the minimum set of parameters and is smbd and/or nmbd require to run? Do I need to open the port in the firewall?

Background infos

Share structure

The shared directory has several sub directories, some commons and some "privates" (although the private ones are actually readable by everyone). Each user would need to access from time to time the common space, and also other user private directories, but mainly/often their own directory.

Tech data

  • RHEL 6, Samba 3.5.6
  • Ubuntu 12.04, Samba 3.6.3

Best Answer

You would probably need to use the username map functionality inside samba (winbind) for the mapping to work so that winbind knows about the AD account for every Linux user. I believe username map can take commands and lists (and some pattern conversions), but it's far easier if the Linux usernames can match the AD usernames, by using pam_winbind for instance. I guess that when the mapping is working you can actually start verifying whether the share is working as well.