Linux – How to migrate NFS server without affecting the service (Linux)


We have to migrate a Linux NFS server.
We want to use the same production IP addresses.
There is a bin/ shared folder and so many servers in production using it…

All the data is already replicated.
All the /etc/exports already configured.

/var/lib/nfs could be copied if necessary.

I just have to stop the nfs service, erase the IP from old server, put same IP in the new server, start nfs service.

Is there a way to do this without the clients noticing it?

Best Answer

That is a pretty complicated thing to try, which is best tested in advance with other systems.

I know from experience that the timeo NFS mount option might need to be set lower and hard should be set.

timeo=50 - retry NFS requests after 5 seconds (specified in 10ths of a second)

hard - cause processes accessing the NFS share to block for ever when it becomes unavailable unless killed with SIGKILL

That way the clients will lock up, and wait until the new system is up. They will retry often because of timeo.