Linux – How to Recursively Change Case of Files and Folders in Bash


I have some files and folders that are all in uppercase that I want to rename to their lowercase equivalent. What would be the best way to go about doing this in bash on a Linux system?

As an example I might have:

    `-- AFILE.TXT

And I want to convert it to:

|-- folder0
|   |-- subfoldera
|   `-- subfolderb
`-- folder1
    `-- afile.txt

I can probably write a depth first recursive script to do this (depth first to ensure that files and subfolders are renamed before their parent folder), but I was wondering if there is a better way. rename might be useful, but it doesn't seem to support recursion.

Best Answer

find . -depth -print0 | xargs -0 rename -n '$_ = lc $_'

Take out the -n flag once you're sure that it's doing what you want.

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