Linux – How to reproduce grep’s –recursive option in an old version of grep


I am working on an ancient UNIX whose grep lacks the -r/–recursive option.

I need to find an error that our application is causing, but I do not know which log file our application is writing errors to. However, I do know that the log file is somewhere in /opt. So I want to find FooErrorMessage under /opt in *.log. Here's what I tried:

find /opt | xargs grep FooErrorMessage

— but this does not work, and I don't know where to specify that I just want *.log files in the command.

Best Answer

You're just trying to find all log files under /opt and search them for somethnig_I_am_looking_for right? Why not:

find /opt -name '*.log' | xargs grep something


find /opt | grep .log | xargs grep something


Oh, and since I can't figure out how to comment on the other answers: be careful with *.log as the shell will interpret that as globbing, and match all files in the current directory that end in .log . You should use either \*.log or '*.log'

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