Linux – How to restore after sudo killall sshd


I have a Linode virtual server that I made go down yesterday.
Basically, I killed sshd using

killall sshd

First time I issued this command, I forgot sudo so it just dropped my connection.
Next time, I issued

sudo killall sshd

and I couldn't connect anymore, as it said

ssh: connect to host <...> port 22: Connection refused

Now, I know that was stupid and obviously I have to restore it just as soon as possible.
I thought reboot would solve the problem, however after rebooting (from Linode dashboard) the server is not even pingable, let alone accepts SSH.

What happened and how do I solve it?
Obviously, I don't have root access now, however I can access file system of this machine from a different server, and I can reboot it at any time.

Best Answer

Use the Linode local console to login to your server on the console and work out what went wrong. I can't think of anything in particular in what you've described that would cause the symptoms you're describing, so the chances are something else you did is causing your problem now that you've rebooted.