Linux – How to scan using nmap and Zenmap all hostnames that begin with a particular string


I have a number of nodes on a couple of networks whose hostnames all start with org. Some examples are:

  • orgwebsvr1
  • orgwebsvr2
  • orgwebsvr3
  • orgdbsvrmysql
  • orgdbsvrmssql
  • orgdbsvrosql

With nmap, I know that I can scan multiple targets using the IP or an external list. But I want to discover all the devices on a network that start with org. Is there such a way to write that using nmap?

Thank you.

Best Answer

Assuming the hosts all have valid DNS entries, you can do a list scan querying the DNS for each host on your target network, then filter the output to a file and use it as target for a second nmap scan:

nmap -sL | awk '{print $5}' | grep ^org > ~/targets.txt; nmap -iL ~/targets.txt