Linux – how to see process status with full details


I run the script – my_script.ksh as process with 5 long arguments

on my solaris/linux machine ( example 1 ) ,

Later I verify the process by

 ps -ef | grep  my_script.ksh 

I don't understand way I not get the all arguments from ps -ef ? , ( see example 2 )

or maybe ps command have limitation to display a long line ? ,
or maybe need to write the ps command with some flags that will
enable to display all arguments ?

what need to do in order see all arguments from ps -ef command ?

Example 1 ( run my_script.ksh with the relevant arguments )

           #  ( /tmp/my_script.ksh PATH1=/usr/lib/efcode/sparcv9/efdaemon PATH2=/etc/opt/VO/share/conf/nnmet/mib/Fore-pre802dot1Q-VLAN-MIB.mib -scan-files -ignore-simbolic-links -give-full-file-details ) &
 [1]     18942

Example 2 ( verify script proccess , but can't see all arguments ? )

       # ps -ef | grep my_script.ksh 
root 18942 11889   0 13:22:20 pts/1       0:00 /bin/ksh /tmp/my_script.ksh PATH1=/usr/lib/efcode/sparcv9/efdaemon PATH2=/etc/o     

Best Answer

On Solaris, try using /usr/ucb/ps -auxwww | grep instead. This will show the full command line and arguments of the process. For Linux, simply use ps aux.

Also try experimenting with forcing certain fields only to be displayed by ps, e.g. ps -ao comm,args will display the command and its arguments.

A bit of time spent in man ps should get you on the right track.