Linux – How to set ulimits for a service starting at boot


I need, for mysql to use large-pages, to set a ulimit – I've done this in limits.conf. However, limits.conf (, doesn't get read in for init, only for "real" shells. I solved this before by adding a "ulimit -l" to the initscript start function. I need some sort of repeatable way to do this, now that the boxes are managed with chef, and we don't want to take over a file that's actually owned by the RPM.

Best Answer

$ echo "* hard nofile 102400" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
$ echo "* soft nofile 102400" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
$ sysctl -w fs.file-max=102400
$ sysctl -p

The 4 steps can change your system's limits immediately, and can still work after your reboot. You can change the number "102400" to the number of max open-file in your linux system as you want. and

$ sysctl -p

to load in sysctl settings from the file specified or /etc/sysctl.conf if none given.