Linux – How to start a process on Windows 8.1 remotely from Linux


I tried winexe – it worked fine for Windows XP and Windows 7
But it doesn't work for Windows 8.1. All I get is

ERROR: Cannot open control pipe - NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER

The same command runs fine on older versions of Windows.
As I understand, it is because Windows 8.1 dropped support for SMB 1.0, which is used by winexe. Is there some way to force winexe to use SMB 2?

Or maybe there is some other tool that would work with Windows 8.1?

I did try PsExec (which does support SMB2, hence Windows 8.1) under wine, but couldn't get it to work.

Best Answer

I have some cron tab tasks that needed to execute some powershell on Windows. Difficult (maybe not impossible?) to do this with the built-in Windows components.

I settled on using Powershell Server for that but any Windows SSH server software should work.