Linux – How to start rpcbind automatically at boot on Ubuntu 14.04 server


I have been unsuccessfully trying to configure my Ubuntu 14.04 server to start rpcbind on boot.
RPCbind is installed and works fine if I start it manually with
service rpcbind start
I have added the symlinks to the runlevel directories automatically using the command
update-rc.d rpcbind defaults
For the record, I tried other variations of the previous command, such as update-rc.d rpcbind start 2345 and update-rc.d rpcbind enable 2345. None of them created the symlinks, only update-rc.d rpcbind defaults did.
Now, in my default runlevel, there is a symlink that looks like this:

S20rpcbind -> ../init.d/rpcbind

Even with this, when I reboot the server, rpcbind does not start automatically.
Any help to make this work will be appreciated! Thanks.

Best Answer

I finally found one way to do it that works. I simply added the command service rpcbind start inside the /etc/rc.local script. I don't know if this is the proper way to do it, but it works.