Linux – How to stop ethernet interface in bridge configuration from obtaining IP address via DHCP


I'm trying to configure openvpn in bridging configuration. First step of doing this requires creating bridge interface (br0), bridging together physical ethernet interface (eth0) and logical tap0 interface. This can be done with simple script but I want to use less popular approach, configuring bridge interface entirely via /etc/network/interfaces file (on Debian linux).

So I have removed all eth0 definitions form /etc/network/interfaces and replaced if with following br0 definition:

auto br0
iface br0 inet static
pre-up  openvpn --mktun --dev tap0
bridge_ports eth0 tap0
post-down openvpn --rmtun --dev tap0

This works as I expected, but there is only one problem: interface eth0 is part of bridge interface br0 AND it also receive it's own IP address from my DHCP server (located on same LAN where eth0 is connected).

My questions is: how to stop eth0 interface from obtaining it's own IP address? (It should only be part of br0 bridge).

Best Answer

Add the line iface eth0 inet manual to the /etc/network/interfaces file. This will tell network manager to ignore the eth0 file.

(Edited to include missing "inet".)