Linux – how to store value of ansible fact variable in another variable


I wanted to store value of ansible fact variable in some other variable, and also wanted to check is that fact variable is empty or not

Below is my code where i can print the value of ansible_local fact variable but i wanted that value to store in another variable say xyz. And also wanted to check that variable value is empty or not

- name: -> Apply common configuration to {{ target }} nodes
  hosts: "{{ target }}"
  gather_facts: True

  user: root

   - setup:
      filter: ansible_local

   - action: debug msg="{{ }}"

Sample O/P:

TASK: [debug msg="{{}}"]   
Monday 09 May 2016  09:48:49 -0700 (0:00:01.375)       0:00:02.785  
ok: [abcserver] => {
  "msg": "abcd-123"

Best Answer

You can use the set_fact module.

Here is an example....

- name: -> Apply common configuration to {{ target }} nodes
  hosts: "{{ target }}"
  gather_facts: True
  user: root

   - setup:
      filter: ansible_local
   - set_fact:
       tag: "{{ }}"
   - debug:
       var: tag