Linux – How to upgrade Fail2Ban in Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS to get the “recidive” filter installed


Basic question.

How can I install an upgraded version of Fail2Ban on my Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (Precise Pangolin) so I can have a recidive filter set. Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS installs Fail2Ban 0.8.6 and I need Fail2Ban 0.8.7 to use the recidive filter.

More details.

I manage a bunch of Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (Precise Pangolin) servers and have installed Fail2Ban specifically to block repeated SSH brute force attempts. These attacks are targeted at root and the root user is disabled on all of these systems, but I just want to add another layer of protection to my mix as well as cut down on the added “noise” of having to sift through failed login attempts in my SSH auth.log.

Anyway, the version of Fail2Ban—version 0.8.6—that is installed for Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS from the default repositories works great for the most part. But it seems to be missing support for blocking repeat offenders. And these servers are definitely getting a lot of persistent brute force attempts. So I want to make sure that these clowns are blocked for a longer time.

I checked this blog post titled, “Permanently Ban Repeat Offenders With fail2ban (UPDATED)” and it recommends using the recidive filter. The rest of that post shows how to set up a customized equivalent of recidive but I don’t have any desire to use a custom solution if a built in solution such as recidive exists.

But when I attempt to set the recidive filter in Fail2Ban 0.8.6 and restart the service, it fails saying the filter recidive doesn’t exist.

When I check the Fail2Ban changelog on GitHub I can see that recidive support was added around version 0.8.7:

Tom Hendrikx
 * [f94a121..] 'recidive' filter/jail to monitor fail2ban.conf to ban
   repeated offenders. Close gh-19

Well, isn’t that special. I’m using 0.8.6 and version 0.8.7 has support for this.

So how can I easily install anything newer than Fail2Ban 0.8.6 on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS? I tried to install version 0.9.3 by cloning the GitHub repository, switching to the Debian branch (since Ubuntu is Debian-based) and it seemed to work. But the startup service didn’t work and it also seems like that 0.9.3 won’t work with the version of IPTables I have installed in Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS unless I tweak some config files or possibly upgrade IPTables itself.

Maybe there’s a way to tweak it all to work for Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS but I don’t have the time or will to deal with that since all I want is recidive support and don’t care about anything else. What can I do?

Best Answer

After getting frustrated attempting to install Fail2Ban 0.9.3 from source, I searched for a custom PPA and found none. But then stumbled across the the official Ubuntu package page for Fail2Ban and it gave me an idea. The official Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) package for Fail2Ban is at version 0.8.13. Why not install that?

So I got rid of the Ubuntu 12.04.5 install of Fail2Ban like this:

sudo aptitude purge fail2ban

Then I installed some Fail2Ban dependencies manually like this:

sudo aptitude install gamin libgamin0 python-central python-gamin python-support

With that done, I grabbed the raw, source Ubuntu .deb archive for Fail2Ban 0.8.13 like this:

curl -O -L

And then I installed it with dpkg like this:

sudo dpkg -i fail2ban_0.8.13-1_all.deb

When that was done, I checked the version of the stuff installed like this:

fail2ban-client --version

And it worked!

Fail2Ban v0.8.13

Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Cyril Jaquier, 2008- Fail2Ban Contributors
Copyright of modifications held by their respective authors.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 (GPL).

Written by Cyril Jaquier <>.
Many contributions by Yaroslav O. Halchenko <>.

With Fail2Ban 0.8.13, I can now add a recidive filter to /etc/fail2ban/jail.local and everything works as expected.

NOTE: Please note, that while this all seems to work—and since this is a self-answered question—if anyone out there believes or suspects that this kind of setup of installing an Ubuntu 14.10 package into Ubuntu 12.04.5 is a problem waiting to happen, please let me know. Since Fail2Ban is all Python-based and it seems to work as expected now, I suspect this package was lightweight enough not to run into any problems. But let me know if my assumption is incorrect.