Linux – How to use Active Directory to authenticate linux users


What are the best-practices for using Active Directory to authenticate users on linux (Debian) boxes?

The way I would like it to work would be to add AD users to a group – say linux administrators or linux webserver, and based on their group membership they would/would not be granted access to a particular server. Ideally the root account would be the only one maintained in the standard way.

My goals in doing this are as follows:

  • To allow password changes in one place
  • To automatically grant certain people access to the linux servers using their AD credentials
  • To consolodate all of our user information into one database

Things I want to avoid are:

  • anything difficult/counter-intuitive for our Active Directory administrator to manage
  • locking users out if the AD servers are unreachable for some reason (ie – it needs to cache the credentials somehow)
  • anything too complex or non-standard that will break the next time I upgrade the server.