Linux – How to verify that the CentOS Guest on a VMWare ESX Host is Using the vmware tools network driver


I can verify that vmware tools is running with /etc/init.d/vmware-tools status, but how can I verify that the vmware-tools network driver is being used by my CentOS guest?

The host is VMWare ESX 4.1

Perhaps I need to look for something in lsmod? I see a file in modprobe.d that contains:

install pcnet32 /bin/sh -c ". /usr/lib/vmware-tools/install/vmware-open-vm-tools-kmod/functions load-module && vmware_load_module vmxnet" || /sbin/modprobe                -q --ignore-install pcnet32 ; /bin/true

lmsod doesn't show a pcnet or vmxnet however.

Best Answer

You can cat /etc/modprobe.conf and if you are using a vmnext NIC on your VM you will see a line aliasing vmnext3 (or vmnext) to eth0. You need to have the proper NIC configured on your VM for Linux to get the paravirtualized benefits of the vmnext NIC. If I remember correctly, if you just use the default (e1000) NIC you will be using the stock RHEL (CentOS) driver. Doing an lsmod would show the vmnext and vmnext3 drivers loaded but unless they are setup in modprobe.conf, you will not be using them.

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