Linux – how to view all process details from ps –ef command


hi all

I am using the in my bash script to search IP's in the Linux OS

only for example , and only to show the problem I will give here short example

   #  ( ./ -Q -a -l --max-count=1 --ignore-dir=log --ignore-dir=logs --ignore-dir=lib /etc/sysconfig ) &
  [2] 25014

in this example I run the to find the IP under /etc/sysconfig

but when I want to see the process details as the following

     # ps -ef | grep  25014

       root 25014 13283   1 14:46:53 pts/1       0:06 perl ./ -Q -a -l --max-count=1 --ignore-dir=log --ignore-dir=logs --ignor

then I not seen the "/etc/sysconfig" in the proccess?

my quastion is:

what I need to do in order to see the PATH – /etc/syscconfig in the process that opened ?

Best Answer

I think your console window is trucating the output. Try ps -ef ww, as suggested here