Linux – Howto enable remote login for a Oracle db user


Stupid question:

I've successfully installed Oracle 11g on my Linux box.

I can connect to it and retrieve the countries table via C#/mono just fine, with the below connectionstring, which uses the HR account 'as is', after default installation (+new password +unlocked).

 string strConnectionString =
  "User Id=HR;Password=myPassword;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=" +
  "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))" +

When I connect from the same computer using the machine-name or the IP i got from the router (instead of localhost), then it doesn't work. The Firewall is OFF.

 string strConnectionString =
  "User Id=HR;Password=myPassword;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=" +
  "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=machine-name-or-IP)(PORT=1521))" +

I assume I must allow remote connections and grant login from any computer to the HR account.

But how and where ?

And maybe configure the database to listen on the proper IP.

How can I do that ?
And where ?

I've google'd it, but so far I didn't find anything useful…

Note that by 'remote connections', I mean 192.168.*.*

Best Answer

Is the listener listening on the external ip? You can check with netstat -an if the listener is listening on port 1521 of only or if it listens also on 192.168....

Remote login is on by default afaik. If you create a new user the user need the roles resource and connect to be able to connect to the DB and to create tables and other stuff.