Linux – I accidentally deleted /var/log/syslog, Now rsyslog Won’t Log anything


I accidentally deleted /var/log/syslog, thinking that the system would automatically recreated it (it doesn't).

I used touch /var/log/syslog and restarted rsyslog, but the system still isn't logging anything. I also restarted the entire server to no avail.

the output of ls -l /var/log/syslog is

-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 0 Oct 27 13:16 syslog

How can I get the system to start loggging to syslog again?


restarting rsyslog did indeed fix the issue. The reason it didn't work for me the first time was because I created the file "syslog" using touch /var/log/syslog.

The solution was delete /var/log/syslog. Then run sudo service rsyslog restart

TLDR; DONT CREATE THE FILE YOURSELF. DELETE syslog, then restart rsyslog (which will create syslog for you). Problem solved.

Best Answer

rsyslog should re-create the file (with correct permissions)after restarting:

# mv /var/log/syslog /tmp/

# /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart
[ ok ] Restarting rsyslog (via systemctl): rsyslog.service.

# dir /var/log/syslog
-rw-r----- 1 root adm 327 Oct 27 13:28 /var/log/syslog

Perhaps try forcing a log entry to make sure it's running:

# /usr/bin/logger -p0 foo
# tail /var/log/syslog
Oct 27 13:31:39 myserver root: foo