Linux – I am on Rackspace Cloud. What is Bandwidth Out and Bandwidth In

cloud computinghostinglinuxnetworkingunix

Can someone give me very easy to understand examples? And how to calculate?

Suppose someone views a page off of my web server. This page is 400kb. How much is the bandwidth in and out for me?

Best Answer

In this context:

  • IN/Inbound is traffic from the user's web browser to your server (a low amount, in the 1-20kb area, after requesting images, CSS separately and so on)
  • OUT/Outbound is traffic from your server to the user's web browser (the 400kb of web pages, so 400kb + HTTP and network overhead)

The majority of hosting services are heavy on the outbound bandwidth (delivering content), and lighter on the inbound bandwidth (content requests). Conversely, ISPs are heavy users of inbound bandwidth (content being delivered).