Linux – Idera ServerBackup / R1soft Kernel Modules


We currently have virtual (xen) servers from a host here in the UK and back up to an Idera R1Soft / ServerBackup system in the US.

One of our servers absolutely refuses to compile the kernel module. Has anybody else seen this issue? Our server host has exhausted all their ideas, the backup service provider doesn't want to help as it isn't their server that we're backing up.

This is what we get:

root@web2 [~]# serverbackup-setup --get-module
Checking if module needs updated
Checking for binary module
Waiting                       |
No binary module found
Gathering kernel information
Gathering kernel information complete.
Creating kernel headers package
Checking '/lib/modules/' for kernel headers
Found headers in '/lib/modules/'
uploading kernel package                                                                                        99%   21MB   1.5MB/s   00:00 ETA
Starting module build...
Building                      |          kernel module installer failed. (0):
Internal error encountered. Please contact support
Request ID: (cae5953a-9993-4431-ba94-a91bd22f4644)

root@web2 [~]# uname -a
Linux [redacted] #3 SMP Sun Oct 13 20:19:23 BST 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Has anybody seen this?


Best Answer

I noticed that the kernel version here is pretty odd - So it looks like a hand-compiled vanilla kernel. If you don't have a specific reason for doing this, you should probably be on a kernel sourced through the RHEL/CentOS ecosystem, or at least deployed via RPM.

The hotcopy/serverbackup/cdp driver module leverages your running kernel source to collect the headers, scp them to an Idera/R1Soft build server, compile on the build server, then ship an appropriate compiled module back to your system. It's an odd process, but that's how they protect their intellectual property.

Go ahead and contact Idera for support. As what they're missing. If you're using an RPM-based distribution, this process usually wants the kernel-headers package installed.

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