Linux – Increase file ulimit for the asterisk daemon


How do i increase the file limit for the asterisk daemon on my ubuntu computer? When I login as root and use the ulimit, it says unlimited already. I can't login as asterisk because that user doesn't have shell access, it's just a daemon.

I can see in /proc/<asterisk proc id>/limits the current Max open files is 1024. I want to double that.

I even went into /etc/security/limit.conf and added

asterisk soft nofile 2048
asterisk hard nofile 2048
@asterisk soft nofile 2048
@asterisk hard nofile 2048

THen I reboot server. Still, the max open files is 1024.

What else can I do?

Best Answer

You could always edit the /etc/init.d/asterisk file and prepend ulimit -n 2048 to the top.

This is the same process that MySQL, Varnish and a few others use.