Linux – Infiniband on Linux


I will build computing cluster (about 64 nodes) and I'm looking for some informations. I want to connect them with Infiniband and install Linux. I tried to google it a little bit, but I couldn't find any informations how to set up a simple working configuration.

I want to use it to access NAS and for interprocess communication (MPI, etc.)

Is it easy to set up Infiniband on Linux? How to do it? Or maybe there is better solution?

Best Answer

The Infiniband itself is not a big deal to set up. You have to load the driver for your device and if you don't want to use anything else then IP the ipoib kernel module.

3 The ib_ipoib driver is an implementation of the IP over InfiniBand 4 protocol as specified by RFC 4391 and 4392, issued by the IETF ipoib 5 working group. It is a "native" implementation in the sense of 6 setting the interface type to ARPHRD_INFINIBAND and the hardware 7 address length to 20 (earlier proprietary implementations 8 masqueraded to the kernel as ethernet interfaces).

After this you are able to use your device as a normal ethernet device.

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