Linux – Inodes limit on VPS and Cloud Server


I'm currently stack with a VPS server, so I'm planning to move on a Cloud server.

but I don't have enough knowledge on Linux (Centos or Ubunto server), so I asked the Cloud server provider and here is reply from them:

There's no such thing as unlimited inodes, as an operating system will
always have a limit of how many files it can hold. The better question
and answer is, no we do not set a hard limit on the cloud server like
we do on the VPS server. The limit is a very fair limit given the
structure of the VPS and is very common with Hardware VPS', as since
there is an inode limit that every OS has and there's an operating
system that is running on the Hardware Node that contains the
virutalized operating systems, there's gotta be stricter limits. The
Cloud Server removes that limit due to the was it's virtualized, but
you still are grounded by whatever the limit is of your operating

But I don't understand the limitation on linux except hard disk space, Any one please help me what is limitation with linux inodes or whatever it says.

NOTE: As I will host 100+ CMS site I will have 15,00,000+ small files.

Best Answer

As I reply to your yesterday's question - inodes are limited by design, as it is something like telephone list of your filesystem. See more detailed information on wikipedia. Number of inodes available is defined when creating filesystem and is (more or less) based on filesystem size, so you need to have big filesystem to have many small files, even total size of that files are lower than filesystem.

You should think about using multiple server and distribute whose sites across multiple servers (like hosting about 20 sites per server).

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